Friday 30 April 2010

Thursday 18 March 2010

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Thursday 11 February 2010

assessment 7

assessment 8

Assessment 8

Newsroom- Craig in newsroom doing broadcast, virtual software required, Zombies break in and eat Craig, Camera falls to the floor showing the feet of the zombie.

Outside college- Shotgun, Jake and a camera. CCTV camera shot, Jake walking and coughs up blood, narrative. 

In front of the college- Jake stumbles toward the doors, Matthew looks onto the screen in the editing room to see Jake walking through the doors.

Second floor- Lee out the window at Jake, Zoom in from outside of the building. Establishing shot showing the building. Showing lee looking down at Jake. 

Jake walks in and gets chased off the zombies and he turns around and starts firing shots at the zombies and then the clip cuts off with blood dripping down the screen.

We will start shooting after the half term holiday. 

The first day of shooting- we will film the first scene. The first scene shooting will consist of us using the editing room. It will be made out to look like a newsroom. will need virtual software, Craig who will be the news reporter and a camera to film the scene. Also we will need some people to run into0 the room disguised like zombies.

The second day of shooting- we will shoot the second scene. The second scene will be of Jake walking outside the college. We will need a camera and make it look like a CCTV camera monitoring Jakes whereabouts. Then we will cut back to Jake with the normal camera to show him coughing up blood because of the virus.

The third day of shooting- we will shoot the third scene. This scene will be shot half out of the college and half in the college. First we will use a camera to show Jake stumbling towards the college doors. After that we will play the CCTV onto the Macs and Matthew will radio to lee telling him that Jake is there.

The fourth day of shooting- we will shoot the fourth scene. This scene will consist of lee looking out the window at Jake. In this scene we will see the actual building its self and reveal more about the clip. 

The fifth day of shooting- we will shoot our final scene. This scene will consist of us filming in the college. We will need a camera to film Jake getting chased of the zombies. Then Jake will turn around and start shooting at he zombies with his shotgun. Then the clip will cut off with blood dribbling down the screen.

We have 3 weeks to film, we aim to do have two lessons to each day and the rest of the time to ensure we complete our footage and add any editing techniques we will use.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Assessment 6

rganisation of Actors /Props/Costumes


Jake Boarder – Jake – 16 – one of very few people to have not been infected by the virus, but shows symptoms, he’s searching for the cure to bring life back to the already dead – Wearing everyday clothes with a few rips and marks on them to show past encounters with zombies – his favourite weapon of choice is a pump action fully automatic 8 gauge shotgun

Lee Porritt – Professor Cottage – 38 – leading head of the organisation that is rumour to have created the virus in the first place. He’s believable can create a cure and take in Jake for testing as he’s the only immune one – wearing a white lab coat and goggles with a crazy hair style – his favourite weapon is a syringe

Matthew Pounder – Security Guard Agent Thomas - 25 – the security officer for the corporation, a mysterious character with a unknown background – wearing a shirt and tie with blood stains and mark on it. – Favourite choice of weapon is a magnum 

Craig Harman – Dave Steve – 21 – a well known news reader for a local TV station and is caught up in the outbreak as his studio is over powered by the zombies – A shirt and tie very basic uniform, messy hair due to past encounters

Assessment 5



My group would like to aim our short sequence at a young teen audience , possibly 13 to 16, however due to BBFC laws and the violent nature of our sequence , this is simply not possible , instead we have to aim at 15 plus , this is a  big disapointment  to us , however it does give us a chance to add more blood and gore to our short sequence . We will try to appeal to audiences 15 to 24 years old as recent studies have shown that our type of sequence will appeal most to this age group , as a pose to a much older or younger audience who do not have much interest in our chosen subject(zombies

Plot Synopsis

In our sequence there is a mass outbreak in a virus causing typical human beings to turn into what we know as the living dead. There is many symptoms’ of the disease shown in our sequence, such as coughing up blood etc. the transformation causes a change to the human body, and builds up a lust and craving for human blood. A loner who’s body is immune to full transformation is searching for a professor at the nearby scientific laboratory for further testing at the beginning of the outbreak to help find a cure to reverse the effects. Tests appear to fail as the quantity of cases is rapidly growing. The chance of survival is minimal.
Opening Sequence
Our Opening sequence will start with a video from a new broadcast with muffled sound and video adding mystery to what is happening. During this part banging will occur on the door and as the camera is knocked over all we see is feet running and leaping upon the news broadcaster who starts screaming as he is eaten alive. The screen will then fade to black and then revealing our character in the isolated forest hence giving an introduction to our character. This will be a good opening to a horror movie as we instantly start with some mystery and an action scene allowing the audience to immerse into the plot instantly.

Creative Techniques 
We will use a variation of music and camera shots to create our short introduction scene. For the music we will use deep bass sounds and some fast music to get create the tension in the scene. We will use different types of camera shots to show the scene at its full potential. We will use such shots as high angles, deep focus, point of view shots. We will use the high angle to show the dominance of the world against our main character. Deep focus will be used because the main character as disorientated because of the virus. Point of view shots will be used to show the main characters vision of the world with the virus. This also has the personal effect so the audience know what its like to be the main character. 
We will use certain sound techniques to create sequences that allow the audience to pick up the mood from the film.

Opening Sequence
Our Opening sequence will start with a video from a new broadcast with muffled sound and video adding mystery to what is happening. During this part banging will occur on the door and as the camera is knocked over all we see is feet running and leaping upon the news broadcaster who starts screaming as he is eaten alive. The screen will then fade to black and then revealing our character in the isolated forest hence giving an introduction to our character. This will be a good opening to a horror movie as we instantly start with some mystery and an action scene allowing the audience to immerse into the plot instantly.

Friday 29 January 2010


My group is going to make an opening sequence for a horror film,using the following 10 assessments
1-mind map of horror/film noir conventions (22/1/10)
2-analysis of opening sequence including titles (22/1/10)
3-research into target audience and genre (27/1/10)
4-mind map of additional ideas (29/1/10)
5-pitch of ideas (3\2\10)
6-organisation of actors location etc (3/2/10)
7-animatic (11/2/10)
8-shooting schedule (11/2/10)
9-rough cut of film (12\3\10)
10-final cut of film(19/3/10)

Assessment 3


Our opening sequence will be mainly aimed at teenagers from an audience of above the age of 15 and although we wish to aim to a 14 + audience our aim would not be suitable for those at the age of below 15 as according to the BBFC’s regulations but the sequence will be able to obtain a 15 rating as of the following reasons.

Our footage will have no discriminating language or behaviour what so ever and is suitable in this area for a 15 + age group.

Drugs will not be in our footage and no reference will be present throughout our filming and planning stages.

Horror will be a main part to our film with it being in that particular genre. As the horror will not be sadistic or sexualised the film will be suitable for an under 18 audience. Our focus on the horror side will be to have the story as a mystery and slowly reveal details as it goes on.

Imitable behaviour will not be something that could be possible as the full sequence will be completely fictional and nothing can be repeated within real life.

Language may be present within the sequence but the language will be justified by context and no strong terms or repeated language will be used as it would be unacceptable for an under 18 audience.

Sexual activity and nudity will not be present within our footage as it had no relevance to what we are shooting and planning and will therefore be suitable for an under 18 audience.

The theme of the film will be an infection style horror making the story have a slight truth for some audience members giving a more sense of horror and a better chance for audiences to immerse within the actions of the film.

Some brief violent shots will be shown but no strong gore or violent attacks will be shown and those shots that are shown will not be fully detailed in any shape or form.

Overall our film will be suitable for an under 18 audience and will not be too gruesome for 15 + teenagers. Our main focus of age group will be those ages 15 – 24 aiming at a younger age group as of the theme and plot of the story will be more excitable and enjoyed by a younger age group than older.


As the genre of Horror has developed throughout the years so have the ideas within the genre itself allowing many different sub-genres from horror. Many years ago when the genre of horror was just starting to be used horror was used in different styles to what is can be used as now. Many years ago the first few horror films would be based on urban myths and legends such as vampirism and werewolves, this would ensure a panic in the audience with seeing an idea that could be possible being played initialising panic within the audience hence creating a horror movie. However as the years have progressed the genre has moved along from the basic horror and creatures to real humans and to more physiological based horror movies such as the Hannibal series, which was a normal human that was very intelligent but very scary for the audience. Even now as the genre keeps developing many different areas from horror have appearing such as slasher-horror, zombie-horror, thriller-horror and many more. This is to ensure there is a horror for all audience members to be scared by ensuring a maximum audience appeal for everyone.

When the horror genre started we start to see the development of the ideas of monsters and the reason this horrified people is the reason of what if and this is main idea of the horror genre to actually make people scared outside the theatre depending upon the time period. This has become more and more developed as the genre has progressed. However within the 1950’s we start to see a popular development of aliens and alien life becoming a part of the horror genre this is due to the time period and the theories people started having about life on other planets. During the 60’s we start to see within the world an era of change and rebellion and this is also reflected in the horror genre with the addition of serial killers and even the start of the zombie genre as of the changed within the world some film makers would say it could change the world as shown in their films. During the 70’s it was the youth that was targeted within the horror genre to truly frighten people with the thought that their children could change and become possessed if they rebelled such as “The Omen” and “The Exorcist”. During the 80’s and 90’s we start to see the development of more physiological horrors and more serial killers with serial killers not becoming a part of life, as within the world many serial killers existed. Within the 21st century we start to see many old genre’s coming back but also with the idea of isolation within people as of mishaps within the world such as a biological weapon that could create mutants or zombie’s as the fear of this time period was the world destroying itself.

Assessment 4

Wordle: MediaIdeadJMLC

Assessment 1

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Assessment 2

scream opening In horror movies, sound and mise en scene are vital parts of the movie. Scream is no exception. From the very start of the movie, sound is present. The movie starts out right away with a creepy tone in the background as Dimension Films slowly comes out of the darkness. It is followed by a rumble, as if several doors are being shut. While the eerie music is still going the title of the movie is stretched out and comes back together with a loud crash. This is followed by a phone ringing, a heart beating rapidly, a terrifying scream, a knife slicing into something, and finally followed by more screams. The ringing phone ties it into the first scene. The caller picks up the phone and the music, the beating heart, and the screams vanish. This is all done within twenty seconds of the film. Craven has already played on the viewer's senses, the audience should react to this sequence instantly, the audience would feel on edge and anxious, this will set the mood and tone for the film.
Another example of sound is in the beginning, when Drew Barrymore's character hangs up the phone for a second time from the mysterious caller.There is a shot of outside the house,showing that it is secluded,this gives the indication that Drew is secluded also an if something were to happen then is on her own as nobody will be able to get to her in time, this is a perfect example of a setting for a horror film,and although there is no danger in the scene at first the audience are expecting it straight away as they will have seen similar horror film settings such as the house on the haunted hill,the hills have eyes etc,these movies prey on the fears of human emotions such as darkness and seclusion, scream is no different!
Drew is wearing all white and is sorrounded by a white environmet,this underlines her innocence and makes the viewer instantly befriend the character.The scene changes to the outside of the house where the camera is focused on some tree branches. There's the sound of some crickets, frogs, etc. In those noises, a creaking sound is heart, the effect of this sound is that it builds tension and suspence in the scene but also gives the audience a warning of the action coming up shortly in the film by the change in noise. The camera travels downward and the viewer sees that it's a swing swaying back and forth that's making the noise. The rope is rubbing against the branch. It creates a feeling of tension because amongst these peaceful night noises is this odd creaking noise. It also leaves the viewer wondering perhaps, is there someone in the tree?The outside of the house is almost completely black,this show the viewer of the uncertantity and possible danger outside holds,in a way this is already hinting to the viewer that danger learks outside the house and it is unsafe out there.Wes Craven is setting these small elements up to scare the viewer.
Yet another example of sound being used is when Drew Barrymore (Casey, as her character is known) is talking to the mysterious caller, the callers voice is fairly deep,this gives the audience the impression that it is a man calling Drew,also the killers voice is very sarcastic,suggesting to me and the audience that he is actually getting pleasure out of tormenting Drew,this makes the audience question the killers sanity.
The Mise En Scene also shows a horror element in the film, an example of this is when Drew plays with a knife whilst on the phone, this creates a horror element, she mentions another horror movie where the killer used a kitchen knife as the murder weapon, and this shows us dramatic irony. Scream uses intertextuality through the entire film, they use movie names, soundtracks, character references and quotes, having these in the film played a big part to the movies success, it creates a special bond between the audience and the director as the fans feel special because the y understand the references and feel a part of the movie.
The caller had already threatened her, as a result we see Drew lock the doors to the house,there is a close up of the locks,this enthesised how large the locks are and how safe Drew is.She tells him that her boyfriend is coming over and that basically, he'll beat him up. The caller responds with, "His name wouldn't be Steve, would it?" Casey stands stunned as a loud boom follows. It emphasizes the last comment even more. The viewer realizes that this call is not a silly prank. Wes Craven is adding layers of suspence to add drama to the sequence. Each passing moment more tension is added. He's scaring the viewer little by little.There is also a doorbell noise,this scares Drew and the unsuspecting audience as it is unexpected.
When casey answers the halloween question you can hear the slight sound of the theme song for halloween playing in the background, this is yet another reference to a horror film and again gets the viewer in on the joke. Steve is in shadow,showing the viewer that it is uncertain and possibly unsafe out there,as the shadows cover almost everything.Then, when Casey is being chased by the killer, she goes outside and all the viewer can hear is her breathing. Her breathing is rapid, full of gasps and sobs. This again creates more tension.As she is stabbed the blood turns the once white jumper dark red,this shows the viewer that the safety Drew was once in is truely gone and that she is almost certain to suffer the same fate as her boyfriend.